I am sure that most web and graphic designers have to deal with clients who have horrible taste and don't like what you create. Even though what you created was clean, professional, user friendly, perfectly aligned and pleasing to look at. Yet, the client thought it was boring and that it needed some clip art and clutter. I wonder how other designers deal with creating projects that are hindered by a clients poor judgement and taste, yet create something that you as a designer can be proud of. As it stands, I am feeling held hostage by my hatred of a current website I am working on because it is so freaking ugly. I couldn't put it in my portfolio. Is that the kind of work I want out there? What does a designer do? Tell the client flat out that their taste sucks and refuse to create crap that looks like it was born out of the 90's "Welcome to My Website" era...all it needs is a little gaudy flash animation to top it off. How about some dancing hamsters that scroll across the top too! UGH...
Oh oh! I want to see a flame banner along the bottom and one of those 'under construction' flashy bar-things.
Seriously though, you make a balance I believe.
You go as far as you can for them, but then you have to stop and say, "Hey, does someone who writes perfect English spell words wrong to please the reader?"
The answer is no, you're the one who knows what you're doing and you're doing something for them.
Don't sell-out your level of quality.
How about I scrap the whole site and tell them to go ahead and make it themselves on Frontpage, it will probably look great (to them). :-)
I say you do what people do on Project Runway. Since they are being judged on their designs, but they have a client they have to make sure the end product is their vision and work.
They say things like 'I took your suggestions into consideration; buuuut..."
I might even say something like "I think the page looks more modern with this lay out" etc etc.
Of course all of this is from someone who doesn't DO web design! XD haha
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